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LeaAnne Paskvalich

ASC is Shifting Gears and Setting New Goals for the Future

We are seeing a need in our community and we have been actively strategizing on how to pull our resources to meet this need. As neurodivergent kids grow and reach an age where they are finishing school and transitioning into adulthood, or for folks who are diagnosed later in life, many of the resources that were formally available to them are no longer offered or are suitable. We’ve determined three main areas that we see a need in our community: 1. professional development and employment, 2. social opportunity, and 3. resources for health and wellness. While continuing to develop our programs and resources for kids with ASD and their families, we are also shifting gears to meet some of the needs that we see for our adult community in Colorado.

Employment and career building can be a daunting task for anyone and for neurodivergent folks it can be especially challenging to navigate work placement. From determining what workplace environments would be suitable, to practicing soft skills, to learning how to engage in necessary conversations about expectations and accommodations—it’s not just finding a job that becomes challenging, but also directing success and fulfillment in a professional setting. At ASC we’ve been building relationships with local businesses and with state and local initiatives to discover job and mentorship opportunities. We are actively working to help young adults and older adults on the spectrum set career goals and work towards financial independence and personal fulfillment. If you are a local business owner or associated with a professional organization and want to find out more about how to get involved, please visit our “partner with us” contact page.

In addition to developing our family events such as Low Sensory Mornings and the Opening Doors program, we’ve recently begun to develop ideas for adult meetup groups and other social offerings through ASC. Social opportunity can become sparse after kids graduate from school and transition into adulthood. We’ve found from our own experiences and with speaking with autistic teenagers and adults in our community that isolation can become a normative experience. We are working to develop groups and events for adults on the spectrum to meet other adults on the spectrum and connect in meaningful ways. Stay tuned for more of these events being added to our calendar.

We are continuing to build our list of resources for health and wellness for all ages of folks with ASD. Featuring providers who are highly regarded and meet a variety of needs is a top priority. We’ve been brainstorming ways to enhance our network of providers and to make the process of screening these resources efficient and accessible. If you are a local provider and would like to be considered as an addition to our resources, please visit our “connect with us” page and tell us about the services you provide. As we update our resources list over the coming months, be on the lookout for diverse and alternative ways to engage in health and wellness activities, therapies, and support networks.

Our mission is to help all Coloradans on the autistic spectrum as well as their families, caretakers, and supporters. If we work together, with your help, we can make a difference today and for years to come. Please support us in this exciting new goal to help young adults on the spectrum transition into adulthood with a sense of purpose in their career and gain independence, as well as supporting older adults maintain employment and form a deeper connection with their communities.

Learn more about how you can make a difference.

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