Join our board of directors.
Do you want to be of service to the Autism community? Do you have skills or knowledge that could be beneficial to the operational and financial oversight of the Autism Society of Colorado (ASC)? The Board of Directors serves a vital role in supporting the success of the organization.
ASC’s Board of Directors are all volunteers. These are the most important volunteer opportunities available to qualified individuals. Board positions are term-limited. Therefore, ASC is always looking for new candidates interested in current or future openings.
The job descriptions for the volunteer ASC Board Member and Executive Board Member positions are linked below. If you have a particular interest in serving in one of the Executive Board positions in the future, please indicate that in your submission. Additionally, ASC desires individuals who reflect diversity including, but not limited to, age, gender, sexual orientation, geography, economic status, disability and ethnicity.
For consideration by the Board Nominating Committee, please send an email that includes a cover letter and your resume to boardinterest@autismcolorado.org
Job Descriptions: